BBC Studios


BBC Studios is the commercial and production arm of the BBC, creating world leading Dramas, Natural History programmes, factual documentaries and Crime thrillers with some of the world’s most recognisable brands such as Top Gear, Dr Who and Blue Planet.

WDMP were appointed following a competitive pitch and have been tasked with creating a B2B CRM programme to manage and grow revenue across their diverse global customer base. The BBC sells, produces and commissions programming to a wide customer base, from the likes of Netflix and Amazon to national public service broadcast providers to social platforms and Telco’s. Each needs a unique and tailored approach to value management and to communications strategy and execution.

WDMP’s approach was to instigate a strategic review of all sales and communications processes, analyse core customer data including existing segmentation and examine and commission customer research into the buying process, triggers, motivations and key customer requirements.

From this analysis a strategic CRM programme will be developed which will allow a more personalised approach to each customer segment and more reflective of customer needs, motivations and revenue opportunities.

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